Found in 1954, headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, the Straumann Group researches and develops, manufactures and supplies dental implants, instruments, biomaterials, CADCAM prosthetics, digital equipment, software, and clear aligners for applications in replacement, restorative, orthodontic and preventative dentistry.

The Straumann Group also offers services to the dental profession worldwide, including training and education, which is provided in collaboration with the International Team for Implantology (ITI) and the Instituto Latino Americano de Pesquisa e Ensino Odontológico (ILAPEO). The Straumann® Dental Implant System was designed on the basis of simplicity and freedom of choice: one system with one kit that can be used for all indications and a unique portfolio of different materials and surfaces, including groundbreaking technologies such as Roxolid® and SLActive®.

MORE THAN SOLID – ROXOLID.® REDUCING INVASIVENESS. Roxolid® was specifically designed by Straumann for implant dentistry. It is an extremely strong, high-performance alloy with excellent osseointegration capabilities. These attributes allow for its use in more indications and with smaller implants. A non-interventional study9 showed that in 54.2% of the cases treated with a Roxolid® implant, bonegrafting could be avoided altogether, consequently reducing invasiveness, while increasing patient treatmentacceptance rates, making implant treatment possible for a wider range of patients.

SLACTIVE® – MORE THAN A UNIQUE IMPLANT SURFACE. PREDICTABILITY AT ITS BEST. Introduced in 2005, this unique and clinically proven dental implant surface is the first to combine chemical activity with hydrophilic properties. SLActive® is designed to improve safety and predictability even in challenging situations. Besides simplifying treatment, it significantly reduces the healing period from 6–8 to 3–4 weeks.

Full Digital Workflow Digitalization is impacting the world of dentistry immensely. This dynamic shift allows lab owners to adapt their business model to match the increasing expectations of dentists and patients. New software and hardware advancements change the way restorations are carried out and a digital workflow provides you with a competitive edge by expanding your options while increasing your profitability and productivity