Dental Implant Solutions

Guided Surgery with NobelGuide™
...maximized treatment safety and predictability for all indications

NobelGuide™ is a complete treatment concept for diagnostics, treatment planning and guided implant surgery – from a single missing tooth to an edentulous jaw. It helps you diagnose, plan the treatment and place your implants based on restorative needs and surgical requirements.

NobelGuide™ - the complete treatment workflow

NobelGuide™ CT-based 3D diagnostics provide full control over the surgical and restorative parameters of the individual case.

Diagnostics and Scanning

Clinical diagnostics

Prior to the digital workflow, thorough clinical examinti่on and chair-side diagnostics are performed. Detailed diagnostics give a clear understanding of the medical/dental status and prosthetic characteristics of the case, which minimizes uncertainty from the procedure. Dental impressions and a bite registration are taken as well.

Radiographic guide fabrication

Based on an impression and bite registration, a tooth setup is created that visuailzes the final prosthetic. The setup is evaluated for function and esthetics, and then transformed into a radiographic guide. NobelGuide follows a unique scanning protocol that uses two independent scans to acquire patient anatomy and visuailze for radiographic guide. The protocol is called "double scan” technique.

Computed tomography (CT) scanning

Digitization is performed through 3D radiographic imaging: medical computed tomography (CT) scanners or compatible cone beam CT scanners. Clinical diagnostics, CT scanning of the radiographic guide and patient form the basis for planning, evaluating and defining the optimal positions of the dental implants.

Planning, Placement, and Restoration

Treatment planning

Based on the information form the doublesacn technique, implants can be virtually planned according to cilnical, anatomical and prosthetic aspects.

Tools are available for sharing planning information, facilitating discussions and assisting in decision-making between the cross-functional treatment team, referral network and the patient.

Guided implantology

Based on the planning, a surgical template is automatically designed and available for online ordering, which contains all planning information and fully guides the surgery. NobelGuide uses guided sleeves in the surgical template and a guided implant mount- implant-system compatible to ensure precision placement of implants.

Pre-fabricated prosthetics

The same surgical template can be used for prefabrication of prosthetics in the dental laboratory. ln addition to the surgical template, all necessary surgical and lab components used in a specific treatment can be ordered online.

Prosthetic-driven Planning and Guided Surgery for optimal Final Prosthetics